Nippon Flower Council (NFC)
We aim to promote the development of flower culture in Japan by
bringing organizations in flower production, distribution, retail, and culture together as one.
In the past Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Victory Bouquet had been an essential part of honoring medalists and decorating the moment of their victory. However, the Victory Bouquet were not used in the past two Olympic Games.
Therefore, the Japanese floral industry has been engaged in various activities for the revival of the Victory Bouquet at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The wish came true. In November 2019, it was decided that the Victory Bouquet would be revived at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In addition to delivering Victory Bouquets made of high-quality Japanese flowers to medalists, the Council is working to realize hospitality using flowers and greenery so that people around the world can experience traditional Japanese flower culture such as ikebana. We believe that these efforts will contribute to the revitalization and development of the flower industry.
Due to the global spread of the new coronavirus infection, various activities of many companies and individuals have been restricted. Furthermore, the floral industry has been hit hard by cancellation and postponement of weddings and other events.
On the other hand, more and more people have been practicing "life in flowers" as a culture to enjoy their home time. People have been realizing the power of flowers “to make people happy.” This has led to the revival of flower decorations which is a Japanese culture since ancient times.
We will make efforts to revitalize Japan's flower industry and flower culture by promoting the appeal of flowers and greenery to the covid pandemic world and the post-covid world.
Message from the Chairman
We are confident that we are the best in the world in both the production of flowers, and the way we arrange them, making the most of the materials. We would like to celebrate people who will be the best athletes in the world at the Olympics and Paralympics, the world's largest festivals with a bouquet of flowers, a crystallization of Japanese technology and culture. In addition, it is our wish to decorate the moment with Japanese flower when the world's best athletes win.
With those wishes in mind, we are committed to reviving the Victory Bouquet for the Olympic and Paralympic Games and will be in charge of the Victory Bouquet in Japan. In addition to our admiration for these world's best athletes, we hope that the people of the world will see and feel the beauty of Japanese flower arrangement.
会長 磯村 信夫
構成団体 Organization
花きに関する生産技術の向上並びに経営及び流通の改善により花き産業を近代的企業たらしめて、花き農業経営の安定に資するとともに、我が国花き産業の発展を図り、併せ国民情操の向上に寄与することを目的とする団体です。英文名を、JAPAN FLOWER GROWERS ASSOCIATION(通称 JFGA)と称します。
役 員 Officers
会 長 磯村 信夫(一般社団法人日本花き卸売市場協会 顧問)
副会長 澤田 將信(一般社団法人JFTD 会長)
副会長 井野口 守政(公益社団法人日本フラワーデザイナー協会 理事長)
副会長 大津 光章(公益財団法人日本いけばな芸術協会 理事長)
監 事 加藤 孝義(一般社団法人日本花き生産協会 会長)
監 事 寺井 宏次(一般社団法人日本生花商協会 会長)
We aim to promote the development of flower culture in Japan by
bringing organizations in flower production, distribution, retail, and culture together as one.
In the past Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Victory Bouquet had been an essential part of honoring medalists and decorating the moment of their victory. However, the Victory Bouquet were not used in the past two Olympic Games.
Therefore, the Japanese floral industry has been engaged in various activities for the revival of the Victory Bouquet at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The wish came true. In November 2019, it was decided that the Victory Bouquet would be revived at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In addition to delivering Victory Bouquets made of high-quality Japanese flowers to medalists, the Council is working to realize hospitality using flowers and greenery so that people around the world can experience traditional Japanese flower culture such as ikebana. We believe that these efforts will contribute to the revitalization and development of the flower industry.
Due to the global spread of the new coronavirus infection, various activities of many companies and individuals have been restricted. Furthermore, the floral industry has been hit hard by cancellation and postponement of weddings and other events.
On the other hand, more and more people have been practicing "life in flowers" as a culture to enjoy their home time. People have been realizing the power of flowers “to make people happy.” This has led to the revival of flower decorations which is a Japanese culture since ancient times.
We will make efforts to revitalize Japan's flower industry and flower culture by promoting the appeal of flowers and greenery to the covid pandemic world and the post-covid world.
Message from the Chairman
We are confident that we are the best in the world in both the production of flowers, and the way we arrange them, making the most of the materials. We would like to celebrate people who will be the best athletes in the world at the Olympics and Paralympics, the world's largest festivals with a bouquet of flowers, a crystallization of Japanese technology and culture. In addition, it is our wish to decorate the moment with Japanese flower when the world's best athletes win.
With those wishes in mind, we are committed to reviving the Victory Bouquet for the Olympic and Paralympic Games and will be in charge of the Victory Bouquet in Japan. In addition to our admiration for these world's best athletes, we hope that the people of the world will see and feel the beauty of Japanese flower arrangement.
会長 磯村 信夫
構成団体 Organization
花きに関する生産技術の向上並びに経営及び流通の改善により花き産業を近代的企業たらしめて、花き農業経営の安定に資するとともに、我が国花き産業の発展を図り、併せ国民情操の向上に寄与することを目的とする団体です。英文名を、JAPAN FLOWER GROWERS ASSOCIATION(通称 JFGA)と称します。
本会は、花き卸売市場の公共施設たる性格に鑑み、その業務の適正化と経営の健全化を図る等、 花き流通の改善及び消費の促進等の事業を行うことにより、 我が国花産業の発展に資すると共に、あわせて国民情操の向上に寄与する事を目的としています。
役 員 Officers
会 長 磯村 信夫(一般社団法人日本花き卸売市場協会 顧問)
副会長 澤田 將信(一般社団法人JFTD 会長)
副会長 井野口 守政(公益社団法人日本フラワーデザイナー協会 理事長)
副会長 大津 光章(公益財団法人日本いけばな芸術協会 理事長)
監 事 加藤 孝義(一般社団法人日本花き生産協会 会長)
監 事 寺井 宏次(一般社団法人日本生花商協会 会長)